The new DLS+ Lens Upgrade has Landed!

Our upgraded value family of digital progressives and specialty lenses have arrived! Our original DLS product has been reengineered with Digital Ray Path 2 compensation technology and Steady Methodology to create crisper clearer vision at all focal points with reduced swim and motion at the periphery. Upgraded lenses include:

Existing LensNew Lens
DLS CamberDLS Camber+
DLS UltimateDLS Ultimate+
DLS EverydayDLS Everyday+
DLS Task ProDLS Task Pro+ (1.3, 2.0, 4.0)
Digital Round SegDigital Round Seg+ (32mm, 40mm)
New Lens!DLS Pilot+ Occupational Progressive
New Lens!DLS Sport+ Wrap and Sport Lens

Some legacy lenses were not upgraded, but will still be available. These include the DLS Universal, Task Pro 6.0, and Digtial Round 28mm and 60mm.

This upgrade is considered a product replacement, and the legacy lenses will not be available. For warranty and remakes, Eye-Kraft will replace both eyes with the new product – we’re sure your patients will love it.

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